Until the 18th Century the produced quantity of olive oil on the island marginally covered the needs of the residents. However, the pressure of Venetian conquerors for olive plantation, especially after the loss of Peloponnese and Crete resulted in increasing the production to such a degree that the first exports to Venice began.
Today, the olive constitutes for the basic, inseparable landscape of the island with one million trees covering almost 55% of the island’s area and becoming one of the basic activities for the local rural economy.
“Koroneiki” and “theiako” are the two main varieties cultivated on the island and followed by a smaller number are “ntopia” and “matolia”.
At present, 13 oil presses function on the island whereas before the earthquake in 1953 it was way over 200 and that’s because of the small olive groves all around the island.
The mild climate, the quality of the ground, the marine breeze,
the sunlight and the dampness all determine the particular character for Kefalonian olive oil.
A bright, limpid green tone, a fine characteristic aroma and a balanced flavour with a rich, greasy touch and low acidity.